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Introduction to Angular Js

AngularJs is an open-source Javascript front-end framework that is mostly used to create single-page web apps (SPAs). It's a framework that's always evolving and improving, allowing for more efficient web application development. Dynamic HTML takes the role of static HTML. Its characteristics, like as dynamic binding and dependency injection, eliminate the need for us to create code. Because AngularJs is continually evolving, we have a variety of versions, the most recent of which is 1.7.7. It's also worth noting that Angular and AngularJs are not the same things. Anyone can use and modify it because it is an open-source project. Data is coupled with HTML, and it extends HTML attributes with Directives.

General features

AngularJS has the following general features:

  • AngularJS is a powerful framework for building RPAs (RIA).
  • Developers can use AngularJS to create clean Model View Controller (MVC) client-side apps using JavaScript.
  • Cross-browser compatibility is a feature of AngularJS apps. AngularJS manages JavaScript code that is appropriate for each browser automatically.
  • AngularJS is an open-source framework that is free to use and is utilised by thousands of developers worldwide. It's under the Apache 2.0 licence.
  • AngularJS is a framework for creating large-scale, high-performance, and simple-to-maintain web applications.

Why should you take Angular Js

AngularJS is a web application framework that is free and open-source. Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons first came up with the concept in 2009. Google now looks after it. Version 1.2.21 is the most recent.

  • AngularJS is a powerful framework for building RPAs (RIA).
  • AngularJS allows developers to use JavaScript to create attractive Model View Controller (MVC) client-side apps.
  • Cross-browser compatibility is a feature of AngularJS apps. AngularJS manages JavaScript code that is appropriate for each browser automatically.
  • AngularJS is an open-source framework that is free to use, and it is utilized by thousands of developers all over the world. The Apache License 2.0 governs its distribution.
  • AngularJS is a framework for developing large-scale, high-performance, and simple-to-maintain web applications.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Angular JS was a single-page application development framework based on JavaScript. Google and a community of individuals and businesses were mostly responsible for its upkeep.

    Best jobs can be bagged using angular. Angular can help you succeed in your web development profession. Also, because it is used by top worldwide corporations, angularJS offers a wide range of professional opportunities. It will give an edge to your resume.

    Online/Offline Classroom Training: 3 Months
    5-day free session + 2 Months + 1 month internship

    • Web developer/ Web app developer
    • UI developer
    • Front end web developer/ Front end developer
    • JavaScript developer

    Anyone with a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript may learn the Angular framework; however, the list below demonstrates who can learn Angular. The angular online training programme teaches you how to create web APIs with ASP.NET MVC5 and node.js.

    We provide 100% placement assistance to students who enrol in our specialized courses. Our Placement assistance starts with Training, Mock Interviews, Aptitude Tests, Resume preparation, and Interviews. We will provide unlimited placement assistance till the student gets placed satisfactorily.

    Course Completion Certificate & Paid/free internship for interested students

    Freshers - Angular Js Interview Questions and Answers

    In AngularJS, scopes are special objects that serve as a link between the view and the controller. They're talking about the MVC architecture's model component. To replicate the DOM structural hierarchy, they're organised in a hierarchical order. All of the application data and associated methods are bound to the $scope object in AngularJS

    Directives are the most significant AngularJS elements because they represent DOM element markers that provide new functionality to DOM elements such as names, attributes, CSS classes, and comments. They're used to make custom HTML tags that work in the same way that custom widgets do. AngularJS has directives like ng-model for data binding, ng-repeat for iterating components, ng-app for bootstrapping AngularJS apps, and ng-show, ng-hide for controlling the appearance of DOM elements, among others.

    Single objects called services perform the duties for which they will establish. They are communicated and connected via the Dependency Injection principle, which aids the framework in structuring and sharing code across the application. AngularJS comes with a variety of built-in services. AngularJS also allows developers to build bespoke services.

    Interpolation is the process of attaching data to attribute and text nodes by embedding expressions. During the compilation of the process, the compiler is in charge of matching text and characteristics. Internally, AngularJS checks for embedded expression in markups using the $interpolate built-in service, and if they found, they are updated and registered as watches.

    Each AngularJS application has one $rootScope object and multiple child $scope objects. The parent scope is updated whenever a new scope is formed. As a result, a hierarchical structure similar to the DOM structure was created.