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Introduction to Node Js

A JavaScript runtime environment that is open-source and cross-platform is Node.js. It is a well-liked tool for practically any endeavour!

The heart of Google Chrome, the V8 JavaScript engine, is run outside of the browser via Node.js. Node.js is able to be very fast because of this.

The heart of Google Chrome, the V8 JavaScript engine, is run outside of the browser via Node.js. Node.js is able to be very fast because of this.

Instead of pausing the thread and spending CPU time waiting for an I/O action, such as reading from the network or accessing a database or disc, Node.js will continue its work once the response has been received.

This eliminates the complexity of managing thread concurrency, which might be a substantial source of errors, and allows Node.js to manage thousands of concurrent connections with a single server.

Node.js has a distinct benefit since it allows the millions of frontend developers who write JavaScript for the browser to create both server-side and client-side code without having to switch to a new language.

Examples of Node.js products

  1. Netflix

    The most popular source of video-on-demand and streaming content worldwide is Netflix. A/B testing is heavily employed by this data-driven platform to create a rich user experience for its 195+ million users globally.

    Scalability issues and conditional dependencies are made more difficult by the large number of unique packages that are pushed out each push cycle. Because of this, the business chose to use Node.js, which is quick and lightweight. A 70% decrease in startup time was one of the most significant outcomes of this.

  2. LinkedIn

    The largest business- and employment-focused social networking site in the world, LinkedIn, also relied on Node.js when switching the backend of its mobile app from Ruby on Rails to Node.js.

    It turned out to be a wise decision even if the runtime environment was still relatively young at the time. The new software was highly lightweight and 2–10 times faster than the old one. Additionally, the development process moved quickly.

  3. NASA

    Because it saves lives and keeps astronauts safe during their perilous space missions, the technology is far more crucial than in other applications.

    NASA was faced with the difficulty of shifting the data connected to the EVA spacesuits to one cloud database in order to reduce access times after an accident in which one of the astronauts almost perished due to inefficient data maintained in numerous locations. The process went from 28 stages to 7 steps thanks to the new Node.js-based system.

  4. Why should you take Node Js Course?

    With the help of this Node JS training, you can rapidly and effectively create network apps. The Node JS certification training programme is intended to assist developers in comprehending and creating web apps using JavaScript.

    You can learn more about concepts like Express.js, Node Packet Manager (NPM), shrink-wrap, NPM Vet, REST, Express.js with MongoDB, and SQLite CRUD operations in-depth by taking the Node JS certification training course. This Node JS tutorial focuses on the core ideas of the language and gives you practical experience in creating an HTTP server.

Frequently Asked Questions

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that uses the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It was created to help create scalable network applications.

Online/Offline Classroom Training: 3 Months

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For full-stack web developers, technical project managers, technical leads, quality analysts, architects, students, and aspiring professionals who want to manage web development, this Node JS Certification Training is appropriate.

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Freshers – Node.js Interview Questions & Answers

The server-side scripting language Node.js is used to create scalable programmes. It is a web application framework created using the JavaScript Engine included in Google Chrome. It doesn't require any modifications to run on Mac OS, Windows, or Linux within the Node.js runtime. This runtime makes it possible to run JavaScript code on any device other than a web browser.

These are the following purposes of Node.js:

  • Real-time web applications
  • Network applications
  • Distributed systems
  • General purpose applications

The following are Node.js' primary benefits:

  • Node.js is event-driven and asynchronous. The server of the Node.js library does not wait for an API to return data because all of its APIs are non-blocking. After calling one API, it switches to the next one, and Node.js's Events notification system notifies the server of the response.
  • Because it is based on the V8 JavaScript engine used by Google Chrome, Node.js is extremely quick. Its library executes code very quickly.
  • Despite being single threaded, Node.js is quite scalable.
  • Node.js offers a no-buffering feature. No data is ever buffered by its application. The data is printed in sections.

The words input and output are referred to as I/O. Anything outside of your programme can be accessed via it. Any programme, procedure, or apparatus that transports data to or from one media to another is referred to as an I/O. This media could be a system's files, a network, or a physical device.

Once the application starts, I/O is loaded into the machine memory to run the programme.

Callbacks are objects that need to be managed when an application is executing. Event loops are employed in Node.js for this reason. Since Node.js provides non-blocking send, having this capability is crucial.

Anywhere an event starts, a callback occurs to start the event loop's operation. This is often managed by a particular listener. Node.js won't wait for the output before continuing to run the code after the functions have been invoked. After all of the code has run, the callback function is called and the outputs are retrieved. The event loop is a term used to describe how this operates as a continuous loop.